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Saturday, July 26, 2008

What is Vaginal Yeast Infection?

The intended purpose of this very short article on vaginal yeast infection is to enlighten you about some possible thoughts, relating to some of the ads and items being sold on the internet market today. Always, consult with your personal doctor or someone whom you trust to advise you in this area of medicine. I am a farmer, and I talk in farmer talk. Doctor to me is a Dr., not my health care professional. Also the statements in this article are my thoughts and or opinions. They are based on reading, and personal experience with yeast infection. The article, while brief is true. is true.

Yeast is a fungus scientifically known as Candida. The common type of fungus responsible for vaginal yeast infection is Candida Albicans. Yeast is present on normal human skin and in places of moisture, such as the mouth and vagina. Nearly twenty five percent (25%) women carry yeast infection in the vaginal area.

Nearly (75%) seventy five percent of women have chances of getting vaginal yeast infections at least once in their lifetimes, and up to 45% have chances of carrying vaginal yeast infections twice or three times. Women are more prone to contract yeast infections, when they are under stress, due to inadequate sleep, during pregnancy, or are under the influence of antibiotics.


1. Itchiness feeling in the vaginal area

2. Thick, white colored cheese like discharge

3. Burning sensation around the vaginal opening, if urine touches that area

4. Extreme pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Doctors may check for the infection based on the above symptoms. They may then do a pelvic examination to look for swelling and the white discharge in and around the vaginal area. The vaginal discharge is called Candida Fungus. Granted I may have been able to write an entire book on just this topic. Hence, this meager article cannot due justice to the topic.

I have attempted to share with you what I feel are some good tips to help learn a little more about what vaginal yeast infection is. While it is hoped you have been enlightened by these few words. I do not hold nor do I practice as a medical professional. I do claim to have taken concepts from others added them to my own personally developed experiences, and sorted out what works. Even, if you do not follow or agree with me, at least talk to your doctor, if you think you may have a problem. We consulted with our doctor when my wife had a vaginal yeast infection, and then went a natural but professional route, to cure her.