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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Why Do Women Crave Chocolate When They Menstruate?

Women have a pretty tough time of it really. Not only do they bleed once a month, the bleeding can be drawn out and painful lasting anything between 3 and 9 days in each cycle. Some women find themselves in debilitating pain for five or more days in a month and even may not be able to work during that time as the pain is not at all manageable with usual method e.g. with pain killers like ibruprofen. Luckily, most women do not suffer from such extreme period pain but the impact of period pains should not be dismissed by the men in her life.

What causes period pains?
Menstrual cramps are mostly caused by the womb contracting although, occasionally, the pain experienced is due to something more sinister. If you bleed between periods, have unusual discharge or experience pain during sex then visit your doctor at your earliest convenience.

Many women however endure mild cramps that are very uncomfortable rather than agonizing but they are also very likely to experience pre-menstrual tension too which can make them tearful and short-tempered. Also many women crave certain foods during menstruation, the most commonly desired food is chocolate. Women typically find chocolate very comforting as the texture is smooth and luxurious. However, most women do not know why chocolate suddenly becomes the most important thing in the world to them.

Why do women crave chocolate when they are menstruating

The reason that women crave chocolate when they are menstruating is most likely because the body needs magnesium. Magnesium is an alkaline earth metal that is also found in the human body. Magnesium helps bone growth and also is vital for muscles to work properly. Magnesium is thought to ease cramps and muscle contractions. Your body knows what it needs,if you have a terrible craving then you need to ask yourself why you might be craving this particular food so much.

How can you eat the chocolate you crave whilst on a diet?

If you're trying to follow a healthy diet and lose weight, but are desperate for chocolate, there are ways to stay on track.

1. Drink hot chocolate instead. Low calorie hot chocolates are usually 40 calories a mug and Cadbury's Highlights is very satisfying.
2. Buy a small amount of very expensive chocolate, you will appreciate the quality much more.
3. Take a warm bubble bath instead to ease muscle contractions. Applying heat is a proven method of easing period pains.
4. Switch to dark chocolate, it is higher in cocoa content and has less sugar in the same amount.
5. Eat chocolate with a cup of coffee, black coffee contains virtually no calories and makes the taste of a small amount of chocolate go a long way.

Remember that if your body is craving a particular food, you may need the nutrients contained in that food. If you don't want to eat chocolate, try eating lots of leafy green veggies with your dinner such a spinach. However, you will never succeed in losing weight and keeping it off if you deny yourself everything you enjoy as many dieters will concur: if you feel like the dieting is a hardship you are less likely to stick to it. If all else fails, keep a weight loss blog and ask your friends and family to use it as a form of encouragement. Dieters often cite 'not wanting to let family and friends down' as a reason for sticking to their diet. Don't let nature's female disadvantage ruin your diet.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stuart_Letterman


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