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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tips to Prevent a Frequent Yeast Infection!

A frequent yeast infection is a very annoying problem for many women. Thankfully most women do not develop yeast infections frequently, for those that do these tips will help you prevent new outbreaks.

Studies have shown that approximately five percent of woman have four or more vaginal yeast infections per year. If you are in this group you have a disease called recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis.

Physicians typically treat this disease process by prescribing an antifungal medication for up to six months which completely cures the problem.

There are steps that you can take to decrease your chances of having frequent outbreaks of vaginal yeast. Here are some tips that have proven effective for thousands of women.

1. You should avoid douching. Using a douche can cause the pH level in your vagina to be off and thus lead to a destruction of the beneficial bacteria that keep your Candida yeast population at its normal low level.

2. Wear only loose fitting cotton undergarments, which will allow your genital area to breath easier and stay healthy. A healthy vagina is the number one enemy of a yeast infection.

3. When you swim, exercise or do anything that causes you to have wet undergarments, change into dry clothing as soon as possible. Moist clothing combined with the warmth of your pelvic area will encourage yeast overgrowth which leads to an irritation of the vaginal area and thus a yeast infection.

4. Do not use scented personal care products such as bath soaps, tampons and vaginal sprays. These products can harm the bacteria in the vagina which control the yeast population.

5. Avoid sugary foods. Yeast feeds on sugar, when you consume sugary foods you are feeding the yeast in your vagina.

By applying one or more of these tips you should be able to reduce the chances that you will have a frequent yeast infection.