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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Uterine Fibroids - How Do Fibroids Appear?

No one knows for sure what causes fibroids. Researchers have a number of theories, but its known that fibroids could be the result of many factors working with each other. These factors could be affected by the estrogen levels caused by hormones, it can also be caused genetic (like mother, like daughter!), environmental, or a combination of all three. As it is not known for sure what causes fibroids, what really causes them to grow or shrink? It's a fact that fibroids stop growing or shrink after menopause. But, this is not true for all women with fibroids - yet they are different factors establishing that they do shrink.

Its all down to the foods you eat as well as the estrogen levels that we even though the traditional doctors do not tell us so! If we were to cut out all the red meat, all the dairy products, all chocolates, all alcohol, all fatty and fried foods and implement the change with eating raw and living foods which consist of all fruit and vegetables and also sprouts and seeds, with the compliments of fish, organic and free range chicken, our bodies will be able to digest foods much easier and this will put less stress on our body temple. Your intestines will be less clogged up -without having toxins or poisons remaining in the intestines because of the difficulty in getting rid of the foodstuffs. You will be able to have a clearer digestive system whilst your body will be able to pass urine more regularly, and you will be able to open your bowels more regularly without any trouble at all.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dee_Francis


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