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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Vaginal Candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis is an infection in the vagina that is caused by the candida albicans fungus. It is estimated that 75% of all women at some point in their life experience the painful and embarrassing signs and symptoms of a vaginal yeast infection. Many also find themselves plagued by recurring or frequent candida infections. This article will describe the causes, symptoms and treatment of a vaginal yeast infection.

Symptoms of Vaginal Candidiasis Common symptoms include pain during sexual intercourse and urination. Many women also experience an abnormal vaginal discharge that is cottage-cheese in consistency - which frequently has a foul smell. The vulvar skin is also inflamed with redness, itching and burning sensations. In severe cases, lesions, sores and blisters arise which can also bleed.

Causes Of Vaginal Candidiasis One of the most common causes of a vaginal yeast infection is the use of antibiotics. When antibiotics are prescribed, they are used to get rid of some sort of infection or virus. What happens, however is that the course of antibiotics kills 'good bacteria' that needs to be present in the body to keep yeast levels in balance. Other medical conditions can cause excessive yeast. These conditions include pregnancy, diabetes or diseases of the immune system - including HIV/AIDs). When the body is in a weakened state, it is also at risk for yeast infections - anyone under severe stress or undergoing chemotherapy (which weakens the immune system) might have a yeast fungal outbreak in their body. Women can also get a yeast infection from having sexual intercourse with a man who has a penile candida infection.

Treatment of Vaginal Candidiasis Common treatments include over-the-counter creams such as clotrimazole and miconazole. There are also vaginal creams and suppositories that can be prescribed by your physician. There are also home remedies that have become popular for those who wish to opt for more natural treatments. Examples include tea tree oil, apple cider vinegar as well as yogurt. Also - diet modification can be helpful in that reducing the amount of sugar and carbohydrates consumed will help to keep yeast levels in balance. Yeast thrives and multiplies when there are high levels of sugar in the body - reducing sugar (and carbohydrates which convert to sugar when eaten) can have a positive affect.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Yvonne_Easton


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