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Monday, February 8, 2010

Fibroids and Ovarian Cysts - What Can You Do to Get Rid of Them For Good?

Are you looking for information on the difficult subject of fibroids and ovarian cysts? You have then come to the right page.

You are most probably asking yourself if there is a difference between both, right?

The first thing to bear in mind is that fibroids are simply uterine growths and most of them have will have no detrimental effect on your general state of health.

Any woman can have fibroids and whilst some have to endure some symptoms, other will remain asymptomatic and don't even realise their presence at all. Ovarian cysts are slightly different and can have different effects.

However, once again 95% of ovarian cysts are benign and if you are worried that something may be wrong, do not hesitate to contact your doctor for further tests.

Ovarian cysts are sacs that develop on the ovaries and contain some liquid mostly made up of water.
The pain experienced by women suffering for either one of the conditions is often quite similar. You may experience some long lasting bloating as well as acute pain, bleeding or pain during sexual intercourse for instance.

However, some lucky women have never had to endure any pain and discomfort but this is not the norm. What exactly is to blame for fibroids and ovarian cysts? Well, many different factors can lead to both conditions but hormonal imbalance remains the number one reason.

You may have heard that there is nothing much to do and that the symptoms will disappear sooner or later. This is a fair explanation but for those who suffer constantly, something needs to be done.

The symptoms of fibroids and ovarian cysts can affect your life and daily activities if you cannot successfully get rid of them for good.

Of course, the main treatments offered these days remain either surgery or hormonal therapy. These treatments are effective but only work short time. They only cover up the symptoms. All they can do is ease the pain but they will not target the root causes of the disease and as a result the lumps are free to continue their development and mess up your biological system.

What you need is to prevent them from coming back at a later stage. More and more women are now turning to more natural therapies in order to get to the root causes of the problem and prevent a recurrence at a later stage.

Natural remedies are safe and have no side effects. They can be combined with some gentle exercises in order to kick-start your recovery. Symptoms usually disappear within the first week and with the help of a step-by-step guide the fibroids and ovarian cysts begin to reduce and as a result can no longer develop and make your life miserable.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Isabella_Miller


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