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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Herbs and Supplements to Treat Endometriosis

The pain and problems caused by endometriosis can be quite crippling. A natural approach to beating endometriosis can provide relief. It must be said that prior to undertaking any sort of supplemental program you should seek advice from your doctor to ensure nothing you take is contraindicated to your particular circumstances.

Some supplements are more commonly used than others to address the problems that endometriosis can cause. Below is a list of supplements that are regularly administered to treat endometriosis naturally:

B Vitamins

Biotin, choline, cobalamin, folic acid, inositol, niacin, PABA, panthothenic acid, pyridoxine, and riboflavin.

B vitamins have been known to help endometriosis sufferers cope better with their condition emotionally. It is important to take all of the B vitamins in the B family as they work together in ways that are critical to good health.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is crucial to good health and it is a vitamin that is not stored up in the body. This vitamin is the key to a robust immune system which helps your body fight disease and promotes healing. Some fruits high in vitamin c have characteristics that can cause cramping for some people; in this case a good quality supplement is highly recommended.

Vitamin E

Another immune system friend, Vitamin E can also reduce the inflammation that comes with endometriosis when administered along with selenium. Selenium must be taken with care, please discuss correct dosage with your natural health care provider. For women who are taking anticoagulants, Vitamin E must not be taken without medical advice to do so.


Iron is of great importance particularly to those women who experience heavy periods which is often the case with endometriosis. A low iron level can result in mental dullness, the feeling of weakness and chronic fatigue.


A low magnesium level can often be the cause of cramps in muscles and during menstruation. Magnesium supplementation could provide relief to menstrual cramping.


Zinc is critical to cells and enzymes and has been shown to reduce irritable emotions associated with the menstrual cycle.

Vitex agnus castus

This herb has been warmly embraced by many in the realm of improving women's reproductive health. It is known to have properties that reduce prolactin resulting in an improvement in pain and cramping symptoms of endometriosis. Vitex agnus castus is often used to assist women to get pregnant as it has quite powerful conceptive properties, subsequently this herb should not be taken by women who are taking oral contraceptives.