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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Why Do You Get a Yeast Infection?

You get a yeast infection and then what do you do? What woman doesn't dread getting a yeast infection. This fungus invasion affects millions of women worldwide each year. In fact seventy five percent of all women will have a yeast outbreak at sometime during their lives and fifty percent of those will have more than one instance of vaginal yeast imbalance.

With the itching, the burning, the painful sex and all of the other problems associated with this outbreak its no wonder so many women are online seeking help. There is no need to be gloomy because there is help available and relief is on the way.

In order to effectively treat this disease process it is helpful to understand the problem. A yeast infection is basically an overgrowth of a specific fungus called Candida yeast. This yeast is often found in the vagina in low numbers. What causes the problem is an imbalance of bacteria in the vagina which allows the candida yeast to grow rapidly and soon result in an infection.

Some common causes of yeast infections in the female genital area are: not enough sleep, stress, illness, pregnancy, unhealthy diet, using birth control pills, antibiotics, consuming steroids, and diseases.

Although it is possible for a woman to contract a yeast infection from sex with an infected partner, it is not likely, instead the primary cause of the affliction is a deficient immune system.

Once you are certain that you indeed have a yeast infection there are several ways to treat it. There are several over the counter (OTC) medications that will cure a yeast infection such as clotrimazole, terconazole, and nystatin. A physician can also prescribe a medicine called fluconazole that you need only take once to cure a yeast infection.