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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ovarian Cysts - How Different Types of Cysts Can Affect a Woman's Body

Nearly all women will develop ovarian cysts and many will never know they did as they will pass naturally from the body. But there are different kinds of cysts. Some can become problematic and cause a great deal of discomfort as well as pose possible fertility issues.

While there are different types of cysts, corpus luteum and follicular cysts are the most common and the least likely to create problems. These cysts almost always resolve themselves over a period of two or three menstrual cycles and pass from the body naturally.

Dermoid and endometrioid cysts however, can cause some serious problems. These different types of cysts can grow to significant size, even as large as a grapefruit. The larger they become the heavier they become and they can "bend over" the ovary twisting it and creating severe pain.

These types of ovarian cysts can also pose the danger of rupturing. When a rupture occurs they can bleed back into themselves or into the abdomen or both. The amount of bleeding can be significant and women should be aware of the symptoms of a ruptured ovarian cyst as emergency medical attention may be required.

If you develop an ovarian cyst that becomes painful and generates the other symptoms like weight gain, pressure in the abdomen and unusual hair growth, your medical options are pretty much limited to three.

Because many cysts will leave the body on their own, many doctors will simply adopt a watchful waiting approach. Simply put, an initial ultrasound is taken to identify the cyst and then additional ultrasounds are taken over a period of time to see how it develops. In other words nothing is done to treat the cyst other than watching its growth and perhaps giving you pain medication.

If additional cysts start to show up, you may be given birth control pills to stop ovulation. Understand that when you go off these pills, you will ovulate again and you in all likelihood develop more cysts.

If the cyst is just too painful, or continues to grow, or appears suspicious, then surgery may be performed. Again, once this cyst is removed it does not mean another will not take its place.

Traditional medicine simply treats the symptoms of the different types of cysts. There is no "cure" available through traditional therapies.

However, thousands of women have discovered their own ways of controlling the pain, and more importantly, attacking the root cause of their ovarian cysts. Equally important is the fact that they are doing it naturally without drugs. Many find themselves completely free of the different types of cysts in less than eight weeks.

It's you body and the choice is yours. You can continue to treat the symptoms with expensive drugs and surgery, or you can explore a more natural approach. Your body will thank you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rachel_Willson


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