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Friday, June 25, 2010

Different Ways to Treat Oral Infection

Thrush is an infection of the mouth caused by the Candida fungus, also known as yeast. Infection from Candida is not located only in mouths but this can also be found in some parts of our body, this causes rashes in infants and infection in the vagina for women. Any person could be affected by thrush, from babies to older adults but most especially those individuals whom their immune system is weakened. Thrush treatment could be in different ways so here are several of the ways to treat the infection.

Antifungal medications are the common cure for this said infection which could be in the form of tablets, lozenges, or liquids and usually taken for 10-14 days. But this is prevented when you do the following, brush for at least twice a day and floss for at least once a day, avoid usage of mouthwash and sprays as these destroy only the normal balance of microorganisms in your mouth, visit your doctor regularly and do not smoke.

Home remedies such as yogurt is also helpful as this kill the fungus and get rid of the condition quickly. Any kind of yogurt will do but when treating thrush utilize the plain yogurt only. Drinking green tea is also good to your diet because this will not only kill the fungus but it strengthens your immune system also.

Usage of apple cider vinegar and salt water are also beneficial, if you are going to use either of these methods for thrush treatment then look up the appropriate directions. You may also want to consider using a better toothpaste such as Arm and Hammer toothpaste as it includes two very effective ingredients - baking soda and peroxide.

If you are treating thrush in an infant then you should treat it in a different way than you would for an adult. Soaking the pacifier into virgin coconut oil and giving it to your baby is helpful, however in most instances, this can just go naturally. This treatment is safe and will eradicate the infection in the mouth of your child. Also, yogurt would be helpful in treating the thrush in your child.

Thrush can cause discomfort particularly when eating, talking, and performing almost any basic function with your mouth.

Knowing how to stop the occurrence of this condition is important. Methods of thrush treatment mentioned in this article could be enough but you may want to look for more remedies for additional information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ayana_O._Sproles

Yeast Infection Cure, the Natural Way

I used to constantly suffer from this infection till I made use of an excellent natural remedy for yeast infection cure. I had tried about every product available in the market to treat yeast infection with no avail. The medicines which doctors prescribed did not help either.

I was absolutely frustrated and needed a cure to relieve me from the horrible symptoms of the infection. I did some research on my own details of which I am going to share with you all.

Let me begin with the common symptoms of this infection which include

•vaginal itching and burning sensation

•White vaginal discharge that may look like cottage cheese

•Pain during sexual intercourse

•Burning with urination

How to treat the problem permanently with natural cures?

Probiotics are a popular natural remedy for yeast infection. They are live microbial organisms which are the same as the ones naturally present in our vagina. Basically these help to suppress the growth of potentially harmful organisms such as Candida responsible for this condition. Hence probiotics is considered as one of the best natural remedy to treat this infection.

Another natural remedy for yeast infection is boric acid. Boric acid has mild antiseptic and antifungal properties. Although it is an excellent cure you must remember that it is a toxic substance which must never be consumed orally or used for direct application on open wounds.

By scouting the internet you will be able to find many such natural remedy for yeast infection cure. To be honest with you I got relief from my recurrent infection by following cures provided in an in depth and all-embracing guide which I bought on the internet. It gave me clear instructions on ways to eliminate the infection completely and also provided details of preventive measures to keep the infection in check.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lucy_Rodrigues

Better Nutrition & Weight Maintenance For New Mums

As a new mum, you can fight fatigue by ensuring adequate protein levels are met. Protein, a major nutrient composed of amino acids, is a valuable nutrient found in many foods, which helps to regulate blood glucose levels and provides a long lasting form of energy. It can be sourced from legumes such as peas, lentils, alfalfa and the many ranges of beans available. Meat and fish are other great sources of easily digestible protein with white meat being leaner than darker meats. Kelp offers protein as well as Iodine, a nutrient that is becoming more rare in our diets, and is vital for pregnancy. Nuts are also good protein sources, especially raw almonds. In anthroposophic medicine which advocates purity and vitality of foods, almonds are considered an important support for a breastfeeding mother.

A daily intake of at least 65g protein is recommended for the post partum period.

The downside of upping your protein intake is that some women can over produce intestinal gas when digesting protein. This may contribute to baby colic. To avoid this occurring drink Nursing tea, which contains Fenugreek, Anise, Caraway and Fennel. Also, try cooking with these digestive herbs. They reduce wind production and have the additional benefit of improving the quality of breast milk. Lentils, beans and meats are often well complemented by the flavours of these culinary herbs as well as Dill, whether in a soup, casserole or cooked into rice.

Healthy Weight maintenance for New Mums

The weight gain during pregnancy is around 10-15kg, and this is mostly comprised of the weight of the baby and the increases in fluids, fat, the placenta and other aspects of the pregnancy that support the baby. The uterus will being to shrink and contract again during the post-partum period, and this process can be aided by continuing to drink raspberry leaf tea which is a great tonic for the uterus. Applications of moisturising and healing lotions such as Sea Buckthorn Lotion (high in vitamin C) or Pregnancy Body Oil (highly nourishing), will help heal the skin and reduce stretch marks. Drinking more fluids in general will help to safely trim down in the postpartum period as it stimulates natural detoxification and boosts bowel activity.

When it comes to losing excess weight after birth, make friends with soluble fibre! Increasing fibre in the diet is a nutritional method of losing weight, as fibre binds to fats and helps with their excretion from the body. Eating enough of this will also improve bowel function and detoxification. It is an important dietary food for healthy digestion and weight loss, and also helps to regulate mood. Sources of soluble fibre include fruit, legumes, whole-grain cereals and vegetables. Other important foods are oats, adzuki beans, figs, bananas and prunes.

After birth high levels of the hormone Progesterone tends to over-relax the bowel, which may become lazy. By softening bowel movements, soluble fibre improves bowel activity and can heal haemorrhoids, which are common after a vaginal birth. A simple and effective medicine is Slippery Elm powder stirred into a glass of warm water daily. Another energy boosting medicine is Blackthorn Elixir, which nourishes and replenishes a tired body during convalescence. The Blackthorn plant is highly regarded in anthroposophy as a medicine to improve resilience during physical exhaustion.

Healthy weight loss depends largely on two things, exercise and nutrition. Apart from limiting saturated fats or highly refined foods in the diet, specific nutrients can help with gradual healthy weight loss in the post partum period such as B group vitamins. These are involved in metabolic processes and help to boost energy. You will find these in leafy green vegetables, meats, fruit, seeds and nuts. Vitamin C is important for supporting skin health and is a good anti-oxidant. It repairs damage caused by unhealthy food choices and other stressors on the body. You can boost your vitamin C levels with a daily dose of Sea Buckthorn Elixir, a berry that is higher in this vitamin than most foods.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lynn_Shannon_M_Bailey

Natural Yeast Infection Treatment Options

Almost one in four women at some point in their lives experience a yeast infection, and with several experiencing recurrent infections which also called candida candidiasis, occur when there is an imbalance of normally occurring candida yeast in the vagina. When yeast multiply, due to moist conditions or a pH balance change of the area, infection occurs. This infections are most prevalent in the vagina, but can also affect other areas such as the breast, mouth and lower abdomen areas.

Men can contract yeast infections also, but the majority of sufferers are women. Once diagnosed, vaginal infections commonly treated with medicated douches and vaginal suppositories. Women prone to recurrent vaginal yeast infections are able to recognize symptoms, self diagnose and pursue their own infection treatment options to help combat repeat infections.

The Culprits

Anything that imbalances the homeostatic relationship between healthy bacteria and yeast in the vagina can produce a yeast infection. Most often to blame are:

- Antibiotics. Antibiotics kill both good and bad bacteria and can upset the natural PH balance, encouraging candida bacteria to thrive and grow out of balance.
- Hormones. Unbalanced hormone levels can disrupt the natural bacterial balance. Pregnancy and oral contraceptives can also cause repeat yeast infections.
- Spermicides. Spermicides in condoms can cause yeast infections and nonoxynol-9 is linked to abnormal candida growth.

Clothing. Candida thrive in moisture-filled environments, so clothing that is tight, sweaty and dirty can trap in extra moisture. Wet bathing suits, poorly washed underwear and moisture trapping fabrics can all cause problems.

Chemicals. Irritants that contain perfumes, scents and dyes can all change the PH of the vagina and should be avoided in that delicate area. Scented bubble baths and soaps can help cause a yeast infection.

Weak Immune System and Sexual Transmission. Anyone with a weak immune system, such as HIV patients, can be prone to infection and candidiasis is actually an STI passed through sex.

Yeast Infection Treatment Options to Try at Home

Why choose a natural remedy first? Side effects to any over the counter drug are possible, and especially in the case of women with repeat yeast infections, over the counter antifungal drugs may lose their efficacy over time. There are several natural remedies to treat yeast infections naturally at home, especially if you are prone to infection and recognize the symptoms and wish to treat a mild infection in its early stages.

Yogurt - Lactobacillus acidophilus, bacteria found in yogurt, actually kills the candida yeast in the vagina and is one of the most popular and oldest natural candida killers used at home. Yogurt must be plain, unflavored and sugar-free. To get it there, soak a tampon in yogurt before applying or fill a tampon applicator with yogurt and apply it directly into the vagina.

Garlic - Garlic is a natural anti-bacterial substance that works wonders at fighting yeast infections. You can actually insert a whole peeled clove tied to a string into the vagina overnight. If you prefer, look for garlic capsules at your local health food store and choose a capsule that will dissolve into the vagina.

Tea Tree Oil - Is another effective home remedy and is widely used antiseptic and antifungal and is great at treating a spectrum of health problems. Coat a tampon with a lubricant and then with tea tree oil and insert directly into the vagina for a few hours.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Cinnamon Oil - An apple cider vinegar bath contains useful vinegar to wash away and kill yeast and cinnamon is a relatively unknown yeast fighter. Unfortunately, vinegar also stings when applied directly, so it should be mixed. Add a cupful to your bath, along with a cup of garlic oil and a cup of cinnamon oil or break up several cinnamon sticks for extra potency and an extra relaxing hot bath soak.

Oil of Oregano - A strong yeast and bacterial killer, apply a bit of lubricant and then soak some oil of oregano on the end of a tampon and insert. Dilute the concentrated oil with a bit of olive oil. Although highly effective, oil of oregano is not ideal for pregnant women.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jesseca_Ong

Alternative Treatment For Yeast Infection That You Must Consider

Our body contains a number of good and bad bacteria and Candida albicans is one of those which when in controlled growth are non-harmful but during excessive growth leads to an infection. They are normally resides in the human flora like in the mouth and in the gastrointestinal tract which when overgrowth causes mild to severe infection. However, there are certain and various yeast treatments to kill this kind of disease.

Candida causes mouth yeast infections commonly known as thrush in children with reduced immune function or in children taking certain antibiotics for your added information. Candida grows rapidly on irritated and moist skin so it may infect the diaper rash in an infant and to those children who suck their fingers may also build up this kind of disease around their fingernails, causing redness on the nail edges.

Candida is also the common cause of vaginal infections in females, especially when the normal populations of bacteria Lactobacilli have been reduced due to antibiotic use which allows the overgrowth of Candida. Itching, burning, soreness, and thick white vaginal release are the signs and symptoms that you may experience.

The main drugs for yeast are antifungal medications. Oral yeast can be cured via prescribed lozenges and mouthwashes. Topical antifungal creams are used to treat skin infections and highly infected lesions can also be treated with corticosteroid creams. Infants suffering from yeast infection, pacifiers should be sterilized or discarded, also bottle nipples should be discarded and must use new ones as the mouth of the infant begins to heal.

In most cases, vaginal yeast infection can be treated effectively with variety of over-the-counter antifungal creams or suppositories, however, infection often recurs so it is still best to visit a doctor. Vinegar douches or insertion of paste made from Lactobacillus acidophilus powder into vagina are the home remedies that you can consider to treat vaginal infection caused by Candida. In theory, these make the vagina more acidic and hence, less hospitable to growth of Candida. Fresh garlic is believed to have antifungal action, so incorporating it into the diet or inserting a gauze-wrapped, peeled garlic clove in to the vagina may be helpful, it is vital that the insert should be changed twice daily.

Even though yeast treatment may be effective, it is still best to prevent the infection from coming. One example of avoiding infection is to have good sanitation procedures, like keeping the body cool and dry, wearing natural fabric underclothes, changing underclothes frequently, wiping from front to back after bowel movements, and washing hands often. Follow these simple prevention guidelines and be free from catching infection.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ayana_O._Sproles

Monday, February 8, 2010

Fibroids and Ovarian Cysts - What Can You Do to Get Rid of Them For Good?

Are you looking for information on the difficult subject of fibroids and ovarian cysts? You have then come to the right page.

You are most probably asking yourself if there is a difference between both, right?

The first thing to bear in mind is that fibroids are simply uterine growths and most of them have will have no detrimental effect on your general state of health.

Any woman can have fibroids and whilst some have to endure some symptoms, other will remain asymptomatic and don't even realise their presence at all. Ovarian cysts are slightly different and can have different effects.

However, once again 95% of ovarian cysts are benign and if you are worried that something may be wrong, do not hesitate to contact your doctor for further tests.

Ovarian cysts are sacs that develop on the ovaries and contain some liquid mostly made up of water.
The pain experienced by women suffering for either one of the conditions is often quite similar. You may experience some long lasting bloating as well as acute pain, bleeding or pain during sexual intercourse for instance.

However, some lucky women have never had to endure any pain and discomfort but this is not the norm. What exactly is to blame for fibroids and ovarian cysts? Well, many different factors can lead to both conditions but hormonal imbalance remains the number one reason.

You may have heard that there is nothing much to do and that the symptoms will disappear sooner or later. This is a fair explanation but for those who suffer constantly, something needs to be done.

The symptoms of fibroids and ovarian cysts can affect your life and daily activities if you cannot successfully get rid of them for good.

Of course, the main treatments offered these days remain either surgery or hormonal therapy. These treatments are effective but only work short time. They only cover up the symptoms. All they can do is ease the pain but they will not target the root causes of the disease and as a result the lumps are free to continue their development and mess up your biological system.

What you need is to prevent them from coming back at a later stage. More and more women are now turning to more natural therapies in order to get to the root causes of the problem and prevent a recurrence at a later stage.

Natural remedies are safe and have no side effects. They can be combined with some gentle exercises in order to kick-start your recovery. Symptoms usually disappear within the first week and with the help of a step-by-step guide the fibroids and ovarian cysts begin to reduce and as a result can no longer develop and make your life miserable.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Isabella_Miller

Urge Incontinence - Should You See a Urologest Or a Plastic Surgeon?

Urge incontinence is the second most common form of incontinence and it can occur in both sexes although women tend to duffer from it more than men. Urge incontinence is just what the name implies, a desperate need to frequently urinate. With some people this may mean making a dozen trips to the bathroom daily.

There are several ways to try and deal with this including changing the pattern of your fluid intake, training your bladder, and exercise. If these techniques are not satisfactory, there are medications available as well.

However, there is a new technique that involves Botox injections. That's right, the same material that has been used for years in plastic surgery to remove fine lines and wrinkles may also play a helpful role in controlling urge incontinence.

Essentially Botox paralyzes muscle. It was discovered that injecting small doses into the detrusor muscle of the bladder eliminated the feeling or "urge" signal thereby eliminating inappropriate contractions of the bladder. Taking away the urge takes away the incontinence.

While this is a promising procedure there are a couple of drawbacks. Just like you need to go in for a refill to keep the wrinkles off your face, you have t have repeated injections of the detrusor as the Botox wears off. There is also some concern that the Botox may paralyze the entire bladder which of course would mean that a catheter would have to be used. Typically the Botox treatment lasts about four months.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hillary_Bowman

Bleeding With Candida - Case and Tips

This article contains very personal experience, however, it is very informative as I really know that it is very rare people do ask question like this. If you have similar condition like what I will describe below, I hope this article will benefit you. The information below is based on true story from a friend of mine, let's just call her Tracy.

This afternoon she had to urinate, and she found blood in the vaginal area. It is not her period, it just ended a couple weeks ago. But today, there was evidence of blood upon wiping herself.

This is not the very first time that blood has appeared though. Many times her skin is chaffed in the vaginal area, and she can practically wipe away the dead skin due to the candida, and sometimes she is able to remove some of the discharge from the cervical area in which sometimes blood is present.

She is not intending to gross anyone out, but she just wants to know more about bleeding with candida.

I suggest her to confirm whether she has candida or not. Anytime she has bleeding from anywhere she needs to see a Doctor. My uterus was so impacted with the yeast, but I could stop and start my periods when ever I wanted, I did have that removed. Tell the doctor ahead of time about the pap smear being painful and maybe he would prescribe something unless someone knows what herb to take for pain.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Angie_Lindsey

Get Bacterial Vaginosis Relief Naturally & Get Your Sex Life Back Before You Push Your Partner Away

Bacterial vaginosis is not only physically painful, but it can be emotionally painful as well. If you are finding that your sex life is non-existent, then you need to treat your vaginosis as soon as possible, before you push your partner into the arms of another person. There are natural ways to treat it and get immediate relief. Here are just a few other reasons why you need to treat it today.

Save your sex life

I am sure that your sex life is probably non-existent because you are worried about what your partner will think of the odor or the discharge after having sex. If you are in this position, then you most definitely need to treat it as soon as possible. Failing to do so will push your partner further away and most likely into the arms of someone else.

End the embarrassment

If you have been constantly worried about the embarrassing smell that is coming from your vagina, and worried that your partner will be turned off from it, then treating as quickly as possible will help you to end these thoughts. While you can try antibiotics and creams, there is still a very high likelihood that your vaginosis will actually come back. And in many cases it tends to come back even stronger than before. Getting treatment naturally will help hit it at its source instead of masking the problem like drugs and creams do.

Stop it before it gets worse

Taking the proper steps now will help ensure that you can treat it and get rid of it completely. There are much bigger things in your life that you need to worry about and vaginosis should not be one of them, however it tends to be at the top of the list for those who suffer from it. Stopping it now will help you to regain your life and end the constant worry and stress over the discharge and odor commonly linked to bacterial vaginosis.

Dealing with this can be a daily struggle, constantly worried about how you can get the odor, itching and pain to stop. This is truly not the way you should be spending your day and not the way you want to live the rest of your life. If you thought that it was not possible to cure it and was on the verge of giving up then think again. Treat it naturally and get your sex life back.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michel_Michales

How to Cure Vaginal Odor With Holistic Remedies

Vaginal odor is a problem in your life that you would desperately like to get rid of. You want to fix this problem and you want to make that happen now. You are tired of feeling embarrassed and ashamed by your body and it is time that you made a change.

In order to cure vaginal odor, using medicines doesn't always have to be an option. Seeking out the help of a medical professional means that you have to spend a lot of time and money waiting when you could be using holistic and natural remedies to cure your odor.

There are many things that you can do to cure vaginal odor with holistic remedies. A great way to make this happen is to use garlic. Garlic is a great way to get rid of your odor and fast. It works to kill the infection with its powerful potency. Before you know it, your odor will be gone and you will be able to resume your life as normal.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michelle_Jacobs