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Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Ovarian Cyst Surgery - Know What to Expect and Eliminate Your Fear and Worry

If it's been weeks or months since it has been determined that you have an ovarian cyst, and your cyst seems to be growing in size - your doctor may have told you that you will need ovarian cyst surgery.

Any type of surgery may make people worry and there's always fear that's involved that something might go wrong. Many of us who have had surgical procedures have experienced the same thoughts and feelings.

But learn here, what the two different types of ovarian cyst surgeries there are so you are better informed.

This information, and any additional information that you find online, will help eliminate some of your anxiety before your surgical procedure.

Two Different Types Of Ovarian Cyst Surgery

First, there is open surgery. This procedure is like any traditional open surgical procedure where the surgeons make an incision in your body.

In this case with ovarian cyst surgery, after they make the incision, they will separate your abdominal muscles and your abdomen will be open. From there the surgeon, or medical team will remove the cyst from your ovary.

The second form of ovarian cyst surgery is laparoscopic surgery, this is a less evasive form of surgery. It's where the doctor's will make a small incision just below the naval and insert a laparoscope.

This is to look at the organs and find out where the cyst actually is on your ovary. Once it is found, two other incisions will be made and then surgical tools will be inserted to remove the cyst.

Complications That May Occur

Generally speaking, complications with ovarian cyst surgery do not occur. However, there is always the slight chance that your surgical procedure will not be that simple.

The worst case scenario is that if you are having surgery, and the medical team decides that your cysts is too difficult to remove from your ovary. They might make the decision that they need to remove the ovary completely.

Other complications that are less severe are that you may experience bleeding, or get an infection or get blood clots in your body.

Recovery Time

The average hospital stay for open surgery can be be from 3 days to one week. But with the laparoscopic surgery, it's a same-day surgical procedure, where you leave to go home after the procedure is completed.

Recovery time can vary with each individual because everyone's experience with surgery is unique to them.

But after the surgical procedure, there will be abdominal pain, particularly with open surgery.

And the recovery time could be between days to weeks before you feel completely yourself again. And are able to do all that you do in your regular day to day living.

An Alternative To Ovarian Cyst Surgery

You may not know this and your doctor may not have told you, but the worst thing about having ovarian cyst surgery is that another cyst may form on your ovary even after the surgical procedure is done.

Many women are now becoming more educated about cysts on their ovaries and now know that cysts can go away by themselves, naturally in time. And you can achieve this too by making small, but impacting, changes in your lifestyle to not only get rid of your ovarian cyst, but prevent one from occurring ever again.

Surgery creates a lot of anxiety and worry, not to mention that it's expensive and will disrupt your life, until you get back to health. It's also no guarantee that you will not get another cyst on your ovary again.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen_Kalata

Home Remedies to Cure Yeast Infection - Stop Being a Victim of Yeast Infection & Get Your Life Back

Based on statistics almost 70 percent of the female population will at least one time in their lives get a yeast infection, now most of these victims will just go on with their lives ignoring the infection not knowing that most of the illnesses they feel are caused by it? Now it is not only the women who are at risk with the infection, men can also get the problem. With men the most common ways of acquiring the infection is through sexual intercourse, now if your partner has the problem, there is a big chance that the infection will also get passed to you.

Since the problem is such an embarrassing thing, most people don't go to the doctor to have it checked. But if you do go to the doctor they will only prescribe a cream or ointment to remove the infection, sadly these type of medication only masks the problem and never really cures it.

The reason for this is the infection is caused by the fungus Candida Albicans, now this fungus is already present in our bodies and is relatively harmless. However, if your body goes thru a major imbalance like you got really sick or went thru a great deal of stress, it can set off an overgrowth of the fungus thus resulting to an infection.

Now you know the real reason for the infection, you don't need to use creams and ointments, you can now use effective home remedies to cure yeast infection. You need to remove the problem from its roots, and you do that by bringing back the natural balance of your body. The body has its own system of controlling the fungus and you can help it by using some of the below home remedies.

Tea Tree Oil, Yoghurt, Oatmeal and a lot more you can find in your house. But you need to know how to properly use these things in order for it to be effective.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Geoff_Ringwald

Causes For Recurring Yeast Infections - Find Out Why it Just Keeps Coming Back and Back Again

Yeast infections are caused by the fungus called Candida Albicans, now this fungus is already present in our bodies and is relatively harmless. But if your body goes through a major imbalance like you got really sick or you are undergoing a lot of stress, it can trigger the overgrowth of the fungus and result to an infection.

If you go to a doctor and show your infection, they will probably prescribe an ointment or cream that you can use to get rid of it. But like I said, the problem is caused by an imbalance in your body and those creams and ointments will only mask the infection and never really cure it. That is why after using the medication, the infection will be gone, but after a few weeks its back again. That is because you are not removing the root cause of the problem. This is one of the major causes of recurring yeast infections.

So how do you finally get rid of the infection for good? Well you need to return your body's natural balance; the body has its own way of maintaining itself and controlling infection. You can help your body to achieve that balance with some simple home remedies. Below are just some of the things you can use to control the infection and finally get your life back.

Tea Tree Oil - tea tree oil has been known for its anti bacterial properties and it can help you remove the infection

Yoghurt - yoghurt can be used to relieve you of the soreness and the pain caused by the infection

Now these home remedies will only be effective if you know how to use them properly.

Now Pay Close Attention

Yeast infection can have very serious complications if you do not get rid of it, it can even lead to depression. Now most medications only mask the infection and never really cure it, you need something that will remove the cause of the infection from the inside and return your body's natural balance.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Geoff_Ringwald

Ovarian Cyst and Pregnancy - Do I Have to Get Surgery to Cure My Ovarian Cyst?

It is possible for a lot women to have an ovarian cyst and pregnancy at the same time. Like a lot of issues facing pregnant women, when you have an ovarian cyst during pregnancy your treatment options are greatly reduced.

Your doctor will most likely need to do an ultrasound, so they can examine the size and shape of the cyst. if it appears that the cyst is filled with fluid it might go away own its own, and is probably benign. The cyst could still be very painful and this is not good for you or your baby.

Several doctors think that they can do surgery during the 2nd trimester on a pregnant woman. Most women however do not want to go through surgery while pregnant or put any extra stress on the baby. The best thing you can do in this situation is try to find a natural cure that is available for ovarian cyst and pregnancy.

Eating more fiber and reducing pressure on your bladder are a couple of great ways to get started. Too much pressure on the lower on the bladder can be real pain by itself, but when you add a cyst it can be just too much. You are going to want to get rid of this cyst as soon as possible so you and your baby can be healthy throughout your pregnancy.

You should try drinking a cup of hot herbal tea. Herbal tea is known for relaxing the mind and body, as well getting rid of toxins inside the body.

You do not need to stress yourself out. Having ovarian cyst and pregnancy is not the most terrible thing in the world. You don't have to be in pain, starting you can be living pain free starting real soon. I had my own dealings with ovarian cyst and it is no fun I know. I wanted to find a cure more than anything and get rid of this terrible pain. You can free yourself from your pain and get a natural cure to help you feel better right now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Laura_Madison

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Ovarian Cysts - How Different Types of Cysts Can Affect a Woman's Body

Nearly all women will develop ovarian cysts and many will never know they did as they will pass naturally from the body. But there are different kinds of cysts. Some can become problematic and cause a great deal of discomfort as well as pose possible fertility issues.

While there are different types of cysts, corpus luteum and follicular cysts are the most common and the least likely to create problems. These cysts almost always resolve themselves over a period of two or three menstrual cycles and pass from the body naturally.

Dermoid and endometrioid cysts however, can cause some serious problems. These different types of cysts can grow to significant size, even as large as a grapefruit. The larger they become the heavier they become and they can "bend over" the ovary twisting it and creating severe pain.

These types of ovarian cysts can also pose the danger of rupturing. When a rupture occurs they can bleed back into themselves or into the abdomen or both. The amount of bleeding can be significant and women should be aware of the symptoms of a ruptured ovarian cyst as emergency medical attention may be required.

If you develop an ovarian cyst that becomes painful and generates the other symptoms like weight gain, pressure in the abdomen and unusual hair growth, your medical options are pretty much limited to three.

Because many cysts will leave the body on their own, many doctors will simply adopt a watchful waiting approach. Simply put, an initial ultrasound is taken to identify the cyst and then additional ultrasounds are taken over a period of time to see how it develops. In other words nothing is done to treat the cyst other than watching its growth and perhaps giving you pain medication.

If additional cysts start to show up, you may be given birth control pills to stop ovulation. Understand that when you go off these pills, you will ovulate again and you in all likelihood develop more cysts.

If the cyst is just too painful, or continues to grow, or appears suspicious, then surgery may be performed. Again, once this cyst is removed it does not mean another will not take its place.

Traditional medicine simply treats the symptoms of the different types of cysts. There is no "cure" available through traditional therapies.

However, thousands of women have discovered their own ways of controlling the pain, and more importantly, attacking the root cause of their ovarian cysts. Equally important is the fact that they are doing it naturally without drugs. Many find themselves completely free of the different types of cysts in less than eight weeks.

It's you body and the choice is yours. You can continue to treat the symptoms with expensive drugs and surgery, or you can explore a more natural approach. Your body will thank you.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Rachel_Willson

Should You Consider Labiaplasty?

How one's external sex organs appear can sometimes affect one's self esteem. Some women do not like the look of outer genital folds that are outsized or overly irregular, which is a condition called protuberant labia. Women who are sexually active or who go for tight-fitting clothes or swimsuits get embarrassed with this condition. There are instances when this causes physical discomfort during sexual intercourse.

Labiaplasty is a specialized surgical procedure that corrects a perceived "unattractive" labial appearance by the reduction of the outer folds of the labia minora, the tissue surrounding the vulva of the vagina. This operation is done for medical purposes, aesthetic reasons or a combination of both reasons.

Why labiaplasty should be considered

The main purpose for considering undergoing Labiaplasty is for the woman to feel good about herself emotionally and physiologically. Other reasons for undergoing labiaplasty are:

• Labial disease or injury, like after childbirth
• Vaginal folds appearing oversized
• Irregular labia
• Hanging or protruding labia
• Discomfort in physical activities caused by the size or thickness of the labia
• Discomfort when wearing tight clothes because of labial size
• For a youthful-looking vagina

The Procedure

Labiaplasty is considered minor surgery and is thus done as an outpatient procedure. Traditionally, this is done by cutting off the excess skin then sewing over the edge. A disadvantage to this procedure is the long vertical stitch line which results in an unnatural appearance.

A newer technique calls for cutting the protuberant skin into a V-shape and stitching together the upper and lower edges. The only suture line then would look like a small transverse line.

This operation is done for 1 to 1.5 hours with local anesthesia although patients are given the option to choose general anesthesia. Other procedures may be done simultaneously. A hoodectomy, a procedure that would make the clitoris more exposed and give a woman easier sexual stimulation may be opted by some women. Vaginoplasty, a procedure that would make vaginal muscles tighter, is another operation that could be done at the same time as the labiaplasty.


Risks to labiaplasty could be bleeding, infection and scarring. A minimal risk of under-correction is easily remedied by a second operation.

The certainty of minimizing risk is only through the services of an accredited plastic surgeon. You should find a cosmetic surgeon with a considerable track record and experience of the procedure many times. Talking with previous patients can also help.


Only minor discomfort would be experienced after the surgery, for which pain relievers would be prescribed for several days. You can go back to light activities on the same day but the surgeon would recommend avoiding heavy exercises and sexual intercourse for 3 to 4 weeks after surgery.

There could be mild to moderate swelling in 2 to 3 days although the area expectedly heals fast. Labiaplasty is done with soluble stitches and the cuts are barely visible after total healing and the vaginal lips would become thinner and look much better.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kalona_Karrington

Cure Yeast Infection Once and For All - You Are Doing it Wrong

Does it seem that this annoying condition just doesn't want to go away?

I understand what you are going through as I was once in your shoes and it appeared that everything I did just didn't work or didn't have a permanent effect on me.

For years I thought I was the problem and somehow because of me the medication didn't cure my yeast infection once and for all. This might sound familiar to you and what you need to understand right from the start is that it's not your fault at all.

You see, more and more women have discovered that medication and creams, when dealing with a yeast infection, don't solve the problem permanently, only temporarily.

While sometimes it may seem that the they have done their job and you are confident you won't suffer from the condition again, you'll soon find out that that simply isn't the case.

The problem with creams and medication is that they deal with the problem externally, because the true causes of yeast infection lie in the intestines. Sure, the infection goes away on the outside at first, but after several week it forms again, leaving you right where you started.

That is why so many of us have suffered from this condition for years.

To truly cure it once and for all you need a natural treatment. This solves the issue both on the inside and outside and makes it impossible for the infection to form again.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Martha_Robertson

Breastfeeding in Public - Do You Eat With a Blanket on Your Head?

No, you do not? Neither do I, so why do we as a society expect women to put a blanket over a baby while feeding them at the breast?

Why, I ask? Two probable answers.

1. Sexist ideals. Many believe that breasts are sexual objects ONLY and that breastfeeding in some way is a sexual act. This statement is radical but true.

These same sexist ideals are what foster comments about a child continuing to breastfeed past 12 months when study after study supports extended breastfeeding as optimal for growth and development. A child suckling at the breast is simply a means to obtain perfect nourishment.

2. Selfishness. Many adults simply cannot put their own needs above the needs of a child. Why is someone's desire to NOT to see a child breastfeeding more important than the child's need to eat: anywhere, anytime? It is not more important. Anyone should be allowed to eat when they are hungry with no stipulations.

Did you know that most states have laws protecting women and children while breastfeeding in public.? Here in Texas, the law states that anywhere a mother is allowed to be she may breastfeed her baby. No blanket required.

It is due time to stop the madness. Breastfeeding is not taboo. Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for every baby and it is time we stop hiding behind our blankets and make breastfeeding NORMAL.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Liz_Pevytoe

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

5 Natural Ways to Enhance Female Libido

For the sexually dysfunctional woman, there is hope. Here are five natural ways to enhance the female libido which are readily available.

1. Aphrodisiacs - Aphrodisiacs are certain foods known for heightening one's sexual impulses, arousal, and response.

• Chocolate - is one of the most popular contains the stimulant 'phenylethylamine'.
• Chili pepper - is another aphrodisiac that is known to trigger endorphins.
• Oysters - increase testosterone levels which benefits both male and female.
• Ginkgo - helps the body achieve optimal blood circulation, which is important for sexual stimulation.
• Wild Yam (Damiana) - is a sexual stimulant.

These and other aphrodisiacs are proven effective in increasing sexual desire for all people.

2. Sleep - is another natural way to enhance the female libido. It simply involves taking proper care of your body. It is essential that you get sufficient sleep in order to maintain your health. Most doctors recommend that you have a minimum of six hours of undisturbed sleep.

3. Exercise - This helps to improve blood circulation. Inactive people typically experience a decrease in sexual libido, lacking the consistent exercise needed to invigorate or increase sexual stamina. Some healthy types of exercise that help to increase blood circulation are aerobics, yoga, or Pilates.

4. Stress - hampers your ability to perform, so it is imperative that you live a life free of stress. Leave your problems in the office. Make time to unwind at home. Enjoy your friends. Share your problems. Do not take everything seriously. Learn how to release your stress. Do not bottle those negative feelings up. This decreases your interest and desire for sex.

5. Herbs - Bear in mind that one of the effective ways to enhance female libido is to include the use of herbs or natural herbal supplements in your daily diet. Some examples of these herbs are:

• Valerian Root helps to ease menstrual cramps, tension, emotional stress and an aid for restful sleep,

• Schisandra (fruit) lessens the effects of menopause for women,

• Asparagus helps keep a woman lubricated,

• Black Cohosh root assists uterine and vaginal contractions and balances hormones,

• Licorice root enhances hormonal function whilst strengthening the adrenal glands.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ari_Lee

Women's Health - Endometriosis

The uterus is lined by a tissue called the endometrium. This lining is inside the uterus normally. But in some women, it grows outside the uterus too. In such cases, it grows on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, intestines, rectum or the bladder. This is known as endometriosis. This condition is one of the major reasons affecting women's health.

During the menstrual cycle, the endometrium inside the uterus is expelled out of the vagina but the one outside cannot be expelled. This leads to the formation of cysts, scar tissue and lesions. Some women with endometriosis suffer no pain but others suffer great pain before and during menstruation.

Health care professionals are divided on the opinion as to why endometriosis occurs. There are a number of theories explaining the growth of the endometrial tissue. But the symptoms of endometriosis are more or less the same in all women. The severity differs depending on the location of the endometriosis, how deep it is attached, and how long a woman is suffering from it. Symptoms range from very painful periods, pain during copulation and ovulation, chronic pelvic pain, heavy menstrual flow, painful bowel movements, exhaustion and painful and frequent urination during menstruation.

Medical professionals check the pelvis for cysts, thickening or tenderness. This test is done during menstruation. The pelvis can also be checked with the help of an ultrasound scan.

But for a firm diagnosis of endometriosis, you will need to get a laparoscopy done. This too has to be done during menstruation. The doctor administers a general anesthetic and then makes a small cut near the navel and inserts a laparoscope inside it. The abdomen is then filled with carbon dioxide so that he has greater visibility and can check the organs, the location, number and the size of the endometrial growths. Sometimes a biopsy is also done. A laparoscopy is a must since otherwise the treatment for endometriosis cannot begin.

One of the difficulties of falling inside the endometriosis zone is having fertility problem. It can damage the ovaries and block the fallopian tubes and thus create difficulty in conceiving. But there are still chances that you can conceive naturally if you consult the doctor sooner.

Health care in a woman affected by endometriosis is taken by surgery and drug therapy. Which treatment the doctor gives you depends on the location and size of endometrial growths, the severity of symptoms, your age and if you are trying to conceive.

If you want to become pregnant, the doctor first assesses the damage to the ovaries and the fallopian tubes by doing a laparoscopy. An ultrasound scan may also be done. If the severity is mild, doctors won't give any treatment initially and see whether you conceive naturally. During the laparoscopy, the doctor can also perform a surgery to remove the endometrial growths. Tubal flushing is used in case the fallopian tubes are blocked.

Since severe pain during endometriosis is common, medical professionals suggest the following methods to ease pain. When you experience pain, rest in a position that is comfortable. Always take warm baths and place hot water bottles or pads on the abdomen. Increase the intake of fiber in your diet. Practice yoga, deep breathing too. Ask the doctor for pain killers.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Bruce_Kevin

Ovarian Cyst Surgery - Lose the Fear by Learning What to Expect!

Unfortunately, ovarian cysts have become more common in women than before. This is partly due to the fact that more & more woman are coming forward to report cases to their doctors. However, the possibility of a cyst does not necessarily mean the need for 'ovarian cyst surgery'. There are other more natural options that may remedy the problem. However, there will be cases where there is no other option but to have 'ovarian cyst surgery'. These will be cases where the cyst is cancerous, have a high tendency of 'bursting' and turning septic or Mucinous Cystadenoma cysts that can become large tumors so that there is no option but to have surgery. Furthermore, if you get pain in the abdomen that is so severe that you experience vomiting & a fever you should contact your doctor immediately. Likewise, if you experience cold, clamminess & lightheadedness & have difficulty in breathing, then you should contact your doctor as soon as possible. If following this, a pelvic exam reveals the presence of a cyst, surgery may be required.

Let us take a look at some of the surgery types available:

'Ovarian Cyst Surgery' types

Cystectomy: This may be a more favorable alternative for women. In this, only the actual cyst is removed - not the ovary. Women prefer this as it means that fertility is maintained for the remainder of the womans' childbearing years.

Ovary Removal: This is one surgical method, which is least preferred amongst woman. In this, one or both of the ovaries are removed, due to the possibility of a recurring cyst which may lead to something more serious. Obviously this can be emotionally traumatic for women, but on a plus point, the woman can still remain fertile.

Now here are 2 types of 'ovarian cyst surgery' which differ based on the technique used:

Open Surgery: This is the type of 'ovarian cyst surgery' which is best left to a skilled surgeon. Open surgery involves making an incision in the abdomen. There is a higher risk of development of complications & the recovery time is often longer. As you may expect, this is not a favorite amongst women.

Laparoscopic Surgery: A far better alternative for woman than Open Surgery. Laparoscopy is safer, painless & recovery time is quicker. There is less stress & trauma involved for woman as well. Laparoscopy utilizes the latest in technology to ensure that the procedure is performed quickly & safely for woman. As you may expect, it is a favorite amongst surgeons & woman alike.

It is true that 'ovarian cyst surgery' remains unpopular amongst women who have suffered from ovarian cysts. Luckily however, surgery is only required in rare cases where the cyst may be cancerous, burst or develop into tumors. In the event that 'ovarian cyst surgery' is required, breakthrough in technology has meant that the pain, hassle & recovery time after surgery have all been reduced. Nevertheless, surgery may be avoided altogether in some cases, by adopting alternative natural & holistic remedies & approaches in curing & preventing a re-occurrence of ovarian cysts.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stacy_I_Leon

Why Do Women Crave Chocolate When They Menstruate?

Women have a pretty tough time of it really. Not only do they bleed once a month, the bleeding can be drawn out and painful lasting anything between 3 and 9 days in each cycle. Some women find themselves in debilitating pain for five or more days in a month and even may not be able to work during that time as the pain is not at all manageable with usual method e.g. with pain killers like ibruprofen. Luckily, most women do not suffer from such extreme period pain but the impact of period pains should not be dismissed by the men in her life.

What causes period pains?
Menstrual cramps are mostly caused by the womb contracting although, occasionally, the pain experienced is due to something more sinister. If you bleed between periods, have unusual discharge or experience pain during sex then visit your doctor at your earliest convenience.

Many women however endure mild cramps that are very uncomfortable rather than agonizing but they are also very likely to experience pre-menstrual tension too which can make them tearful and short-tempered. Also many women crave certain foods during menstruation, the most commonly desired food is chocolate. Women typically find chocolate very comforting as the texture is smooth and luxurious. However, most women do not know why chocolate suddenly becomes the most important thing in the world to them.

Why do women crave chocolate when they are menstruating

The reason that women crave chocolate when they are menstruating is most likely because the body needs magnesium. Magnesium is an alkaline earth metal that is also found in the human body. Magnesium helps bone growth and also is vital for muscles to work properly. Magnesium is thought to ease cramps and muscle contractions. Your body knows what it needs,if you have a terrible craving then you need to ask yourself why you might be craving this particular food so much.

How can you eat the chocolate you crave whilst on a diet?

If you're trying to follow a healthy diet and lose weight, but are desperate for chocolate, there are ways to stay on track.

1. Drink hot chocolate instead. Low calorie hot chocolates are usually 40 calories a mug and Cadbury's Highlights is very satisfying.
2. Buy a small amount of very expensive chocolate, you will appreciate the quality much more.
3. Take a warm bubble bath instead to ease muscle contractions. Applying heat is a proven method of easing period pains.
4. Switch to dark chocolate, it is higher in cocoa content and has less sugar in the same amount.
5. Eat chocolate with a cup of coffee, black coffee contains virtually no calories and makes the taste of a small amount of chocolate go a long way.

Remember that if your body is craving a particular food, you may need the nutrients contained in that food. If you don't want to eat chocolate, try eating lots of leafy green veggies with your dinner such a spinach. However, you will never succeed in losing weight and keeping it off if you deny yourself everything you enjoy as many dieters will concur: if you feel like the dieting is a hardship you are less likely to stick to it. If all else fails, keep a weight loss blog and ask your friends and family to use it as a form of encouragement. Dieters often cite 'not wanting to let family and friends down' as a reason for sticking to their diet. Don't let nature's female disadvantage ruin your diet.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stuart_Letterman