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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Seeking an Enhancing Tummy Tuck in the Fort Worth District

For those considering a tummy tuck, Fort Worth is known for its high number of qualified plastic surgeons and state of the art private cosmetic facilities. If you live in the Fort Worth area and are looking for answers to some frequently asked questions about tummy tucks, keep reading.

What is a tummy tuck?

An abdominoplasty and a tummy tuck are the same thing - a standard surgery that seeks to reshape and restructure the abdominal region. A licensed plastic surgeon will reposition muscles, tighten them, remove excess skin and then reshape it.

Who is the ideal abdominoplasty candidate?

For a tummy tuck, Fort Worth patients should already be at a relatively normal weight. Typically, the procedure is designed to eliminate excess skin or reshape muscles after extreme weight loss or pregnancy. The procedure is becoming increasingly popular for mothers of multiple children who are having trouble reshaping their bodies after the skin expansions and contractions of each birth.

What's involved in a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty?

With a tummy tuck, Fort Worth and actually all of Texas require that a patient and surgeon have an initial consultation meeting where they discuss the patient's motivation for the surgery, their goals for the procedure, suitability for an abdominoplasty and the possible risks or side effects associated with the procedure.

Once a surgery date has been set and you have properly prepared for your tummy tuck operation, you will be sedated using a general anesthesia. After becoming unconscious, your plastic surgeon will make a long, flattened V-shaped cut over the lower part of your stomach.

At this point, the skin is pulled back to allow access to the abdominal muscles, which are then repositioned, stretched, tightened and stitched into place. Once the muscles are in place, the surgeon removes any excess skin, stretches the skin back over the abdomen and stitches the patient back up.

What is the after-surgery care for a tummy tuck?

After their tummy tuck, Fort Worth patients should rest for approximately 14 to 21 days. During recovery, strenuous activity needs to be avoided as well as possible sources of infection and possible straining. After the initial recovery period, patients can begin a doctor-supervised exercise program designed to strengthen and repair the abdominal muscles.

Patients may also experience constipation or trouble utilizing their rectal and abdominal muscles until after the recovery period is over. Most doctors recommend a combination of diet and laxatives to keep bowel movements soft and easily passable.

How much does a tummy tuck cost?

For a complete or major tummy tuck, Fort Worth patients can typically pay anywhere from $4000 to $9000, with most operations falling in the higher portion of that range. Because an abdominoplasty is major surgery, patients look for an experienced surgeon, not a cheap one.

How do I choose a good tummy tuck surgeon?

For a surgeon who will do a high-quality tummy tuck, Fort Worth patients should try obtaining a referral from the Texas Society of Plastic Surgeons. Their website offers a full listing of board-certified practitioners, including those in the Fort Worth area.