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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Discharge Caused by Bacterial Vaginosis

The most common stressful symptom of Bacterial Vaginosis is the discharge and accompanying smell. It is usually thin, grey in color and with a strong offensive odor. The discharge is acidic and when mixed with semen, an alkaline, the smell is intensified which explains why most women find the foul smell much stronger after sex.

Many women also find the smell is intense during menstruation and ironically alkaline soaps will make the odor stronger when used in an effort to reduce it. If you want to eliminate the discharge caused by bacterial vaginosis you must take step to ensure it's controlled.

It is vital that you keep the area clean without 'over washing' and try to use slightly acidic or ph balanced soaps and shower gels. Resist the temptation to scrub the area as this will not help and do much to make the situation worse adding sore inflamed skin to your complaint.

It is a common misconception that poor personal hygiene is the cause of the discharge and odor. It is also alarming to realize that Bacterial Vaginosis is so common that many people assume the smell is normal.

There is very little that can be done to mask or improve the foul smell and discharged caused by bacterial vaginosis but using an effective Bacterial Vaginosis treatment will soon eliminate the problem. Women have found that using acidophilus or similar treatments that are inserted into the vagina can reduce the discharge quickly and occasionally women have noticed an improvement within hours as the bacteria gets to work.

Douching can also dramatically reduce the discharge. Douches that contain potassium iodide, goldenseal or sage will also help restore the ph balance inside the vagina so the benefits are two-fold. Another good remedy is to half fill the bath with warm water and add a couple of drops of tea tree oil or apple cider vinegar. Sit in the water for as long as you feel comfortable.

A tampon soaked in natural live yogurt can also be inserted in the vagina. Leave it in place for about an hour and repeat at least twice a day.

There is no doubt that the discharge and odor caused by Bacterial Vaginosis is reduced quicker when treatment is directly applied or inserted in the form of a douche or cream. Your main goal should be to correct the problem rather than the symptom and although distressing, most women find that with vigilant BV treatment the discharge soon disappears.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jamie_Parker


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