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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Guaranteed Methods to Prevent Bacterial Vaginosis

Everyone who has suffered BV seeks a way to prevent bacterial vaginosis. Taking more time to learn what makes our bodies tick is the most important technique to living healthier lives.

The majority of our infections stem from how we live our lives. Our food choices, deficiencies in vitamins and minerals, smoking, and the overuse of conventional fads like body sprays, scented tampons, and body wash, etc. These items build up in the body and affect our immune systems.

But there are guaranteed methods to prevent bacterial vaginosis. It's nothing unheard of, no scientific breakthroughs, just all natural home remedies that have been used for centuries.

To prevent bacterial vaginosis you must realize that our bodies contain good bacteria meant to protect us. We indulge in items that compromise our systems and break down our immunes. Bacterial Vaginosis is nothing more than an overgrowth of bacteria. What we must do is use methods to keep our system in balance and normalize our ph levels. But just how do we accomplish that?

There are guaranteed methods to prevent bacterial vaginosis. Natural home remedies make this possible to everyone, if utilized. Everyday items you'll find in your kitchen can be used.

1. Douche with live unflavored yogurt to coat your vagina and vulva and deliver lactobacillus acidophilus directly to where its needed
2. Douche with a solution of water and tea tree oil to disinfect your vagina
3. Include fresh helpings of garlic in your diet and eat live yogurt regularly
4. Change your diet and lifestyle - decrease the amount of sugar you eat, cut out processed foods and increase fresh fruits and vegetables; quit smoking or being in the company of smokers;
5. Include a daily dose of antioxidants in your day; drink teas containing sage and comfrey leaves
6. Add probiotics to your diet. This will help keep your colon free of toxins and enhance your immune system

There are natural methods to prevent bacterial vaginosis that won't add to your budget or complicate your busy nights and days. It all depends on how much time you invest in living a healthier lifestyle and preventing infections from controlling your time.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jamie_Parker


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