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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Recurring Yeast Infections Exposed

Recurring yeast infections can certainly be one of the most difficult and annoying conditions to control. Unfortunately, 50% of all women who suffer from their first yeast infections, will also have it recur. This is not to say that they have an occasional infection, they experience what is called a recurring one. Women who suffer only occasionally can go for months or even a decade without having another occurrence. However a recurring yeast infection tends to happen over and over within days and weeks of each other.

Two major reasons why some women suffer from recurring yeast infections are known to cause these women to be prone to them. One of the reasons is because the inner lining of the vagina begins to wear away due to anxiety, stress, or a very rigorous lifestyle. The other cause or reason can also be the result of numerous infections within the vaginal area. Because of these type of issues, certain women simply become more prone to have to deal with recurring yeast infections.

A decrease in immune functions within these same women, can play a role as well. Another reason why some suffer from recurring yeast infections, is because there may be some other, underlying cause yet unknown. For most women, it is wise to visit a physician to perform a simple vaginal examination to figure out what can be done to ease the discomfort and hopefully ward off another go round.

The physician's exam will include certain tests to on the vaginal discharge and will be run as cultures. The results of these tests can help to determine if there is yet another problem, or if this is simply another stubborn yeast infection. Infections, often thought to be yeast infection, are chlamydia and gonorrhea. Both are sexually transmitted diseases, and if found to be present should be treated quickly.

If you are a victim of recurring yeast infections, there can be any number of factors causing this to happen. One factor is that your body may have become resistant to normal treatment methods. In other words, the prescriptions that usually work for the general population may not work for you. If such is the case, physicians will have to discover options that will work. This will often be by a trial and error scenario, which can unfortunately make the recovery process much longer.

Women who suffer from this problem do have other alternatives an choices though. Since they suffer for so long, while dealing with several recurrences, they can begin during this time to make some wise choices. The answer is often through dietary and lifestyle changes that an ease of discomfort is established. Making a few strategic moves can be the key to living a life without the uncomfortable yeast infections.

It is good to do research. Learn which foods encourage the growth of fungi, or include fungi in their make up which could be irritating to you. Avoiding these type of foods, may be paramount in whether these infections recur or not. Some known food culprits are cheese, beer, wine, and yeast breads. The bread category, as it is so varied may be the most difficult to monitor.

The bread category will also include foods like cookies, pretzels, and sweet rolls. Instead of yeast producing foods, you must begin to supplement your diet with choices that strengthen the body. Some of these are vegetables, moderate proteins and fats and almost no sugar. Eliminating things with food coloring dyes or artificial sweeteners can assist in the process of fighting yeast infections, too.

Every little change, no matter how difficult to begin, will be well worth it in the end if it stops the recurring yeast infections!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Pamela_Huntly


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