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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Best Natural Treatment For Candida Albicans

Treatment for Candida albicans comes in various forms from antifungal drugs to some herbs. Thousands of experts have thrown in their own expert advice to the question on finding the best natural treatment.

I am not really an expert - unless experience is a qualification criterion. When I had an infection some weeks ago I simply took advice I had received from a friend of mine sometime last year. I changed my diet.

Now I know that sounds too simple but it is true. I mean if you have taken the time to do some research online then you would have realised that treatment for Candida albicans can be natural.

Let me unpack this treatment method for you. You see, when you eat food that has no fiber (such as junk food) the food has trouble passing through the bowels. This means it sits there and eventually rots. As it rots the Candida albicans infection starts to develop until you really get sick.

So by changing you diet you will decrease chances of having the food rot in the bowels and allow some space for food you eat to pass through - hence reducing the chances of infection. This means you need to eat a lot of fibre. I cannot really spell out the types of foods to eat here - just find what you love.

Some examples of the food to eat as treatment for Candida albicans include vegetables i.e. mostly leafy ones and oatmeal etc. Do away with junk food especially sweet stuff so the body can be able to break the food down with ease.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Manesy_Duben


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