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Saturday, May 9, 2009

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies - Cures That Work!

Natural remedies for yeast infections seem to gain more in popularity everyday. Women are becoming more aware that medications are only capable of temporarily relieving the symptoms. The underlying cause is never addressed. On top of that, many of the medications cause side effects that can sometimes actually make the symptoms worse!

Women are looking for a permanent cure, which is why natural yeast infection cures are catching on. Here are some quick and easy tips to get you back on the right road.

In order to prevent future infections, there are certain foods you'll want to avoid. Included on this list are wheat and white flour, alcohol, caffeine, junk foods, processed foods, sugar, milk, margarine, and diary products

You also don't want to share common areas such as pools or whirlpools. The main risk here is exposure.

Make sure a condom is used when sexual intercourse takes place. Also, avoid the lubricant nonoxynol-9.

Discontinue using scented and perfumed feminine products. This includes body sprays, tampons, pads, and douches. These products kill the healthy bacteria the body needs to combat the overgrowth of yeast.

Wear loose clothing and those made of breathable fabrics. Yeast thrives in a warm and moist climate, so the key is to keep the vaginal area as dry and ventilated as possible.

Garlic is known for its anti-fungal properties. It actively kills the yeast on contact. One great way to use garlic is to place a cleaned clove into gauze or cheesecloth and insert this vaginally. This can be left in as long as overnight. Your infection should be cleared within 3 or 4 applications.

Yogurt is one the better known natural yeast infection cures. It contains plenty of the healthy bacteria your body requires to fight and prevent future infections. The active agent is lactobacillus acidophilus, which emits hydrogen peroxide as a by-product. This by-product kills yeast on contact. Yogurt can be used a topical remedy. Just make sure the yogurt contains no sugar or fruit. Finally, try to eat at least one serving per day.

Tea tree oil is one the most effective natural yeast infection remedies. The best way to use this is to apply it a tampon and then insert the tampon vaginally. You only need to use a little bit. Just make sure to first coat the tampon with KY Jelly or olive oil to prevent the tampon from soaking in all of the tea tree oil.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Josie_McEachern


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