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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Natural Yeast Infection Cures

Natural yeast infection cures are usually sought after by anyone who has experienced recurring yeast infection outbreaks. The micro-organism called "candida albicans" is the culprit that is at the root of all vaginal yeast infections. This article will explore some natural remedies to help to treat your yeast infection and get rid of that unwelcome candida albicans.

Let's start out by learning what causes that yeasty microorganism to stick around. Another word for candida albicans is "dipoid fungus". This fungus loves moisture, darkness, a lack of oxygen as well as sugar. Guess where these conditions are in a women's body? They are in the vagina. Does it make sense to know that this is the most common place that a woman gets a natural yeast infection? However - there are other places where the fungus thrives - such as the penis (for men) as well as the tongue. Pregnant women are also at risk for candida outbreaks.

The best way to cure yourself of the next yeast outbreak is to change the conditions in your body that cause the outbreak to come back.

1) Try not to eat much sugar - the excessive glucose in your body is very attractive to yeast.
2) Drink lots of water. If you do eat much sugar - water will flush it out as best as it can
3) Wear loose clothing as the temperature of your vaginal area will not heat up - causing there to be less oxygen (another thing that yeast likes).

Now pay close attention here,

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Yvonne_Easton


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