How to Get Rid of Ovarian Cysts Faster
Ovarian cysts are far from being a pleasant problem. Most women who have this health condition want to know how to get rid of ovarian cysts through methods that do not imply pain. Unfortunately, the most severe cases are treatable only through surgical procedures. This is why it is very important to report the symptoms to a health care provider as soon as they are experienced. Only the health care provider is able to investigate the severity of the problem and to suggest the most adequate treatment. On the other hand, if the symptoms are not that serious, women may also rely on non-intrusive treatment methods.
In most of the cases, however, the answer to how to get rid of ovarian cysts is to undergo a surgical procedure called laparoscopy. This operation implies small incisions in the abdominal area through which a thin tube called laparoscope along with the utensils used for removing the cysts are introduced. The alternative to this type of surgery is called laparotomy and involves a large abdominal incision that takes longer time to heal. Assuming that the cysts are cancerous, the only possible treatment is hysterectomy. During this type of surgical intervention, both ovaries and the uterus are removed.
If the patient is in her reproductive years and if the cyst is filled with fluid, then it is recommended to wait and see how it is developing. Pelvic ultrasound examinations need to be performed from time to time in order to make sure that the condition does not get worse. In the absence of symptoms, the health care providers usually recommend a treatment based on birth control pills. Women interested in how to get rid of ovarian cysts must know that these pills prevent the development of new ovarian cysts during the next menstrual cycles. Birth control pills also have another advantage: they lower the risk of having ovarian cancer. According to some studies, the more women take such pills, the lower is this risk.
Women in their reproductive years are not the only ones who can have ovarian cysts. This health condition can also appear in postmenopausal women so they must learn too how to get rid of ovarian cysts. The treatment options resume to oral contraceptives if the cyst is filled with fluid and does not exceed 2 cm in diameter and to the aforementioned surgical interventions if the condition is more complicated.
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